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Department of Chemitry
Together with all his lab members, our lab has established a battery of the state-of-the-art neuro-tools as listed below.
By Oh, SJ
Cell-type specific Cre drivers
Fluoroscence Reporter TG
Cell-type specific Translatome-labeling TRAP TGs
Conditional gene KO animals
By Oh, SJ
Major Depressive Disorder: Chronic Unpredictable Stress/Chronic Restraint Stress, Social Defeat Stress
PTSD: Learned Helplessness, Social Defeat Stress
By Hwang, SH
By Jeong, MS
By Lee, YB
Translational Depressive-like Behavior: Tail Suspension test (TST), Forced Swim test (FST)
Anxiety: Open Field (Thigmotaxis), Elevated Plus Maze (EPM)
Spatial and Contextual Memory: Radial Arm Maze (RAM), Active Place Avoidance (APA), Fear Conditioning test
By Jang, JH
Translating Ribosome Affinity Purification (TRAP)
Bulk RNAseq / Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq)
By Park, JR
Fiber Photometry (dLight1.1, GCaMP6)
Miniaturized Enscopic Imaing (Inscopix with GCaMP6)
By Oh, SJ
Chemogenetics (DREADD)
By Oh, SJ
Stereotaxic injection of Cre-dependent AAVs with DIO system
Controllable Drug infusion system with implanted cannula